◉ plumplot 

Inner London burglary crime statistics

Annual crime rate in Inner London postcode area is 9.6, i.e. 9.6 crimes committed per annum per 1000 workday people. Compared to the national crime rate, Inner London's crime rate is at 130%. Burglary crime makes up 7.4% of all crimes committed in the postcode area. The total number of "burglary crime" is 54.3k, and this number has increased by 8.8% when compared year-over-year in the period of February 2018 - January 2019.


annual crime rate per 1k workday people


of national crime rate


of all crimes


crimes committed


annual change

Inner London burglary crime rate comparison map

February 2018 - January 2019

Inner London burglary crime rate comparison map
Postcode sectorCrime rate vs. ENG & WLS rateCrime rate per 1000 workday peopleTotal number of crimes
E1 0105%872
E1 1232%17150
E1 2119%981
E1 3124%953
E1 4163%12211
E1 5189%14143
E1 689%7141
E1 765%5104
E1 844%364
E10 5136%10132
E10 697%7115
E10 7122%9115
E11 1131%1093
E11 2250%18166
E11 3151%11125
E11 4142%10123
E12 5111%8108
E12 670%5104
E13 0106%8109
E13 8116%9118
E13 9113%8120
E14 0123%995
E14 2136%1017
E14 3110%899
E14 47%09
E14 55%026
E14 6209%15149
E14 7185%14156
E14 886%6114
E14 963%5124
E15 1165%12178
E15 2210%16173
E15 3113%895
E15 4130%10127
E16 1172%13127
E16 2115%895
E16 3161%12135
E16 488%677
E17 3177%13154
E17 4139%10154
E17 5122%9124
E17 6114%8118
E17 7177%13126
E17 8113%899
E17 9168%12128
E18 1226%1799
E18 2212%16128
E1W 176%630
E1W 2129%950
E1W 3191%1457
E2 0196%14136
E2 6200%15101
E2 7264%19152
E2 8162%1291
E2 9312%23205
E3 2261%19215
E3 3132%10104
E3 4167%12147
E3 5288%21208
E4 6128%9116
E4 7175%13143
E4 8147%11130
E4 9196%14200
E5 0215%16190
E5 8265%20225
E5 9232%17219
E6 1137%10149
E6 2142%10162
E6 3131%10156
E6 568%559
E6 693%7101
E7 098%777
E7 8103%8142
E7 9110%8118
E8 1192%14136
E8 2229%17142
E8 3264%19173
E8 4319%24194
E9 5198%15172
E9 6149%11138
E9 7339%25247
EC1A 27%02
EC1A 412%13
EC1A 716%113
EC1A 919%15
EC1M 367%55
EC1M 412%12
EC1M 587%637
EC1M 648%421
EC1M 7151%119
EC1N 638%32
EC1N 723%211
EC1N 851%431
EC1R 037%316
EC1R 1114%821
EC1R 361%513
EC1R 485%625
EC1R 5158%1228
EC1V 065%522
EC1V 1309%2325
EC1V 218%14
EC1V 3101%726
EC1V 477%622
EC1V 785%625
EC1V 8106%819
EC1V 9114%859
EC1Y 078%614
EC1Y 1101%79
EC1Y 428%24
EC1Y 826%225
EC2A 284%612
EC2A 3127%983
EC2A 475%583
EC2M 111%14
EC2M 223%24
EC2M 311%12
EC2M 410%110
EC2M 529%25
EC2M 617%13
EC2M 713%19
EC2N 26%01
EC2N 43%01
EC2R 711%14
EC2V 58%12
EC2V 612%15
EC2V 76%03
EC2V 84%01
EC2Y 81%01
EC2Y 93%01
EC3A 319%13
EC3A 513%16
EC3A 728%27
EC3M 76%04
EC3N 121%211
EC3N 21%01
EC3N 414%16
EC3R 515%17
EC3R 716%15
EC3R 85%04
EC3V 012%16
EC3V 129%25
EC3V 311%14
EC3V 946%38
EC4A 114%111
EC4A 312%110
EC4A 415%11
EC4M 713%15
EC4M 957%412
EC4N 154%44
EC4N 5108%88
EC4N 711%12
EC4N 83%01
EC4R 03%04
EC4R 27%15
EC4V 27%01
EC4V 463%58
EC4V 58%17
EC4V 631%29
EC4Y 05%01
EC4Y 135%37
EC4Y 871%521
N1 0119%9103
N1 1177%13100
N1 2216%16166
N1 3140%1059
N1 4219%16101
N1 5258%19142
N1 6121%993
N1 7123%9103
N1 8115%877
N1 985%6109
N10 1151%1174
N10 2172%1385
N10 3202%15113
N11 1150%11117
N11 2161%1294
N11 3197%1498
N12 0182%1399
N12 7180%1355
N12 8149%1178
N12 9131%1063
N13 4195%14135
N13 5193%14135
N13 6209%1577
N14 4163%12103
N14 589%750
N14 6160%1273
N14 7234%1773
N15 3286%21170
N15 4208%15161
N15 5231%17145
N15 6146%11118
N16 0163%1277
N16 5137%10135
N16 692%789
N16 7245%18145
N16 8153%11102
N16 9244%1880
N17 0161%12149
N17 6170%13202
N17 7249%18147
N17 8228%17132
N17 9147%11145
N18 1157%12175
N18 2126%9151
N18 3565%4222
N19 3196%14139
N19 4316%23175
N19 5214%16180
N1C 4119%911
N2 0259%19135
N2 8179%1363
N2 9137%1063
N20 0131%1082
N20 8221%1654
N20 9147%1149
N21 1236%17110
N21 2193%1476
N21 3229%17100
N22 5202%15150
N22 6148%11142
N22 790%755
N22 8123%968
N3 1208%15125
N3 2125%986
N3 3234%17101
N4 1215%16164
N4 2134%10180
N4 3302%22199
N4 4410%30129
N5 1218%16146
N5 2264%19165
N6 4319%24106
N6 5277%20154
N6 6312%2363
N7 0221%16153
N7 6332%24152
N7 7164%1286
N7 8194%14139
N7 9197%15154
N8 0217%16132
N8 7233%17121
N8 8316%23164
N8 9257%19136
N9 096%785
N9 7137%1082
N9 8121%988
N9 9164%12164
NW1 081%677
NW1 154%448
NW1 245%360
NW1 360%449
NW1 478%636
NW1 562%522
NW1 686%668
NW1 7142%10109
NW1 8184%14147
NW1 9131%1091
NW10 0124%9101
NW10 1168%1296
NW10 2127%978
NW10 3190%14102
NW10 4181%13116
NW10 5245%18168
NW10 6131%1072
NW10 764%592
NW10 8103%888
NW10 997%763
NW11 0184%1469
NW11 6209%1577
NW11 7153%1163
NW11 8286%21115
NW11 9160%1289
NW2 1196%14124
NW2 2184%1478
NW2 3462%34213
NW2 4371%27146
NW2 5180%1391
NW2 6193%14150
NW2 7160%12127
NW3 1201%1565
NW3 2134%10159
NW3 3238%18124
NW3 4229%1798
NW3 5223%16109
NW3 6190%1497
NW3 7201%1573
NW4 1169%1272
NW4 2165%1291
NW4 3136%10111
NW4 4193%14115
NW5 1169%12125
NW5 2192%14125
NW5 3156%1261
NW5 4183%1397
NW6 1290%21160
NW6 2281%2197
NW6 3303%22104
NW6 4292%22133
NW6 5150%11103
NW6 6243%18131
NW6 7301%22197
NW7 1103%851
NW7 2177%1386
NW7 3168%1269
NW7 4165%1258
NW8 0143%1162
NW8 6158%1249
NW8 7116%946
NW8 8114%892
NW8 9109%851
NW9 0110%881
NW9 5119%9143
NW9 685%650
NW9 7189%1476
NW9 8145%1187
NW9 9129%1081
SE1 054%4110
SE1 184%6100
SE1 243%3100
SE1 3129%10122
SE1 4106%886
SE1 5158%12111
SE1 6137%1079
SE1 754%4122
SE1 882%690
SE1 954%498
SE10 0203%15147
SE10 8329%24169
SE10 9187%14128
SE11 4175%1399
SE11 599%770
SE11 6117%953
SE12 0160%1285
SE12 8184%1492
SE12 9157%1277
SE13 5141%10103
SE13 6113%8115
SE13 7162%12147
SE14 5137%10113
SE14 6128%985
SE15 1112%859
SE15 2181%13122
SE15 3150%11110
SE15 4363%27165
SE15 5145%1196
SE15 6145%11101
SE16 2125%984
SE16 3139%1094
SE16 4255%1996
SE16 5176%1345
SE16 6131%1026
SE16 7177%1366
SE17 1150%1166
SE17 2122%999
SE17 3149%11100
SE18 197%783
SE18 2113%860
SE18 3126%985
SE18 476%663
SE18 5193%14122
SE18 6143%11142
SE18 7105%880
SE19 1192%1489
SE19 2199%1580
SE19 3131%1079
SE2 0128%983
SE2 9150%11126
SE20 7119%977
SE20 8188%14118
SE21 7173%1354
SE21 8188%14116
SE22 0187%1489
SE22 8210%15132
SE22 9164%1264
SE23 1149%1179
SE23 2181%13118
SE23 3193%14114
SE24 0251%19121
SE24 9232%17108
SE25 4151%11103
SE25 5154%1187
SE25 6195%14142
SE26 4236%17126
SE26 5160%1288
SE26 6206%15117
SE27 0118%978
SE27 9122%967
SE28 0160%12122
SE28 885%691
SE3 0177%1375
SE3 7169%1272
SE3 8141%1073
SE3 9217%1698
SE4 1179%13142
SE4 2161%12105
SE5 0150%1188
SE5 7139%1094
SE5 8165%12166
SE5 989%7110
SE6 1114%8101
SE6 2115%8107
SE6 3116%981
SE6 4249%18183
SE7 7117%9101
SE7 8169%12104
SE8 3169%1294
SE8 4226%17115
SE8 5165%1294
SE9 1128%984
SE9 2134%1091
SE9 3157%12111
SE9 4144%1195
SE9 5157%1276
SE9 6118%965
SW10 064%560
SW10 9144%1188
SW11 1201%15113
SW11 2172%13111
SW11 3130%10100
SW11 4111%858
SW11 5139%10111
SW11 6136%1072
SW12 0206%1575
SW12 8173%13113
SW12 9450%33216
SW13 0216%1684
SW13 8151%1112
SW13 996%746
SW14 7196%1485
SW14 8215%16122
SW15 1154%1195
SW15 2151%11101
SW15 3147%1183
SW15 467%543
SW15 5110%873
SW15 6188%1489
SW16 1201%15118
SW16 2163%12139
SW16 3120%959
SW16 4115%885
SW16 5140%10122
SW16 6160%12125
SW17 0105%8152
SW17 6259%1916
SW17 7206%15166
SW17 8139%10119
SW17 9145%11126
SW18 1198%15155
SW18 2218%16120
SW18 3151%11104
SW18 4165%12141
SW18 5127%988
SW19 1167%12123
SW19 2136%10106
SW19 3130%10110
SW19 4111%873
SW19 5142%1053
SW19 6135%1076
SW19 7186%1486
SW19 8138%10127
SW1A 085%63
SW1A 116%18
SW1A 227%228
SW1E 532%217
SW1E 629%218
SW1H 025%218
SW1H 910%110
SW1P 126%224
SW1P 229%241
SW1P 39%112
SW1P 424%222
SW1V 1123%969
SW1V 2162%1260
SW1V 399%745
SW1V 4125%935
SW1W 043%333
SW1W 896%741
SW1W 948%436
SW1X 0201%1537
SW1X 742%326
SW1X 868%522
SW1X 991%736
SW1Y 422%212
SW1Y 55%03
SW1Y 659%427
SW2 1265%20117
SW2 2155%1184
SW2 3188%14124
SW2 4250%18122
SW2 5213%16133
SW20 0169%1289
SW20 8118%966
SW20 9137%1057
SW3 157%438
SW3 2118%956
SW3 3108%848
SW3 4138%1059
SW3 5144%1155
SW3 696%748
SW4 0224%1791
SW4 6222%16107
SW4 7444%33178
SW4 8153%1154
SW4 9190%1491
SW5 0204%1596
SW5 9167%1286
SW6 1153%1191
SW6 2111%893
SW6 3105%866
SW6 4181%1398
SW6 5263%19113
SW6 6159%1293
SW6 7150%1186
SW7 161%523
SW7 245%335
SW7 3150%1149
SW7 4237%17100
SW7 5126%974
SW8 1150%11112
SW8 272%549
SW8 3102%843
SW8 4148%1188
SW8 569%525
SW9 0195%1497
SW9 6123%956
SW9 788%653
SW9 8137%1059
SW9 9181%13112
W10 4141%1085
W10 5123%9126
W10 6164%12129
W11 1164%12103
W11 2293%22142
W11 3271%20110
W11 4146%11105
W12 0107%8126
W12 754%4104
W12 8194%14143
W12 9146%11105
W13 0143%1184
W13 8119%951
W13 9125%996
W14 0156%12115
W14 8131%10117
W14 9189%14164
W1B 122%23
W1B 235%311
W1B 31436%1069
W1B 4397%2928
W1B 5114%821
W1C 1389%2916
W1C 2195%148
W1D 1146%117
W1D 2201%152
W1D 395%734
W1D 4223%1646
W1D 5155%1139
W1D 688%631
W1D 791%724
W1F 0134%1059
W1F 789%758
W1F 8107%860
W1F 986%646
W1G 0235%1721
W1G 664%516
W1G 734%26
W1G 856%417
W1G 924%221
W1H 143%311
W1H 2236%1724
W1H 496%717
W1H 5100%723
W1H 648%411
W1H 7128%948
W1J 553%421
W1J 623%210
W1J 767%536
W1J 820%16
W1K 194%712
W1K 256%422
W1K 319%19
W1K 485%616
W1K 584%623
W1K 6159%1231
W1K 775%615
W1S 162%551
W1S 275%636
W1S 374%512
W1S 485%638
W1T 1103%886
W1T 262%520
W1T 3144%1160
W1T 489%743
W1T 543%323
W1T 6114%819
W1T 731%27
W1U 140%314
W1U 2125%928
W1U 354%419
W1U 4131%1021
W1U 570%516
W1U 6150%1133
W1U 792%723
W1U 875%624
W1W 5144%1136
W1W 683%646
W1W 763%529
W1W 8150%1162
W2 193%7141
W2 2198%15106
W2 3375%28185
W2 4303%22171
W2 5236%17154
W2 6118%9129
W3 0159%1295
W3 6112%8108
W3 7146%11138
W3 893%782
W3 9105%850
W4 1159%1293
W4 2136%10101
W4 3274%20158
W4 4204%1590
W4 5100%793
W5 1191%14119
W5 2117%999
W5 3184%14127
W5 4163%12114
W5 595%757
W6 0150%11174
W6 788%677
W6 878%673
W6 9119%9129
W7 197%756
W7 298%747
W7 3141%1087
W8 4121%956
W8 555%444
W8 6139%1071
W8 7110%854
W9 1223%16136
W9 2264%19166
W9 3155%11123
WC1A 1259%1945
WC1A 2107%826
WC1B 350%434
WC1B 441%35
WC1B 5180%1325
WC1E 642%323
WC1E 765%527
WC1H 072%534
WC1H 897%729
WC1H 992%763
WC1N 182%634
WC1N 249%416
WC1N 323%220
WC1R 443%323
WC1R 557%418
WC1V 694%722
WC1V 777%614
WC1X 092%729
WC1X 868%528
WC1X 9207%1575
WC2A 129%29
WC2A 260%43
WC2A 342%323
WC2B 456%418
WC2B 556%465
WC2B 6373%2720
WC2E 730%228
WC2E 859%410
WC2E 994%746
WC2H 0118%919
WC2H 7227%1764
WC2H 8148%1153
WC2H 9109%877
WC2N 481%634
WC2N 511%110
WC2N 643%318
WC2R 0124%921
WC2R 123%27
WC2R 240%32
WC2R 332%28

Inner London burglary crime rate rank

Inner London burglary crime rate rank

Inner London burglary crime rate compared to other areas

The total number of "burglary crime" is 54.3k, and this number has increased by 8.8% when compared year-over-year in the period of February 2018 - January 2019. In the graph below, postcode area are compared by crime rate and crime rate percentage change. Crime rate percentage change compares the postcode area crime rate between February 2018 - January 2019 to the postcode area crime rate in the previous 12 months. The size of the circle reflects the number of total crimes committed. The bigger the circle, the higher the number of crimes committed in the postcode area.


annual change


annual crime rate per 1k workday people


crimes committed
Inner London burglary crime rate compared to other areasCrime rate percentage change
Crime rate per 1000 workday people

Inner London burglary crime rate

Annual crime rate per 1000 workday people

Inner London burglary crime rate

Inner London burglary crime seasonality

Total number of crimes committed in a given calendar month(1 = January … 12 = December) in the previous five years.

Inner London burglary crime seasonality

Associated reports:

Inner London crime stats

Inner London home features

Inner London salary and unemployment

Inner London population statistics

Inner London real estate market

Inner London home energy efficiency

Inner London energy costs

Homeimage/svg+xmlOpencliparteco green house icon2012-05-29T15:40:56https://openclipart.org/detail/170282/eco-green-house-icon-by-cybergedeondominiquechappardecologygreenhomehouseicon