London possession of weapons crime statistics

Annual crime rate in London region is 0.6 crimes per 1000 people. Compared to the national crime rate, London's rate is at 60% as of February 2025.Possession of weapons crime makes up 0.4% of all crimes reported in the region. The total number of "possession of weapons crime" is 4.8k, and this number has decreased by 7.5% when compared year-over-year in the period of January 2024 - December 2024.

London regioncrime statisticEngland & Wales
0.6 annual crime rate per 1k workday people0.9
60% ratio of national crime rate100%
0.4% share of all crimes0.9%
4.8k crimes reported51.5k
-7.5% annual change-0.5%

London possession of weapons crime rate comparison map

London possession of weapons crime rate comparison map
Postcode sectorCrime rate vs. ENG & WLS rateCrime rate per 1000 workday peopleTotal number of crimes
BR1 176%17
BR1 210%01
BR1 367%17
BR1 461%16
BR1 588%110
BR2 0107%19
BR2 643%01
BR2 848%04
BR2 935%04
BR3 169%15
BR3 347%05
BR3 450%05
BR4 014%01
BR4 929%02
BR5 137%03
BR5 258%16
BR5 3103%110
BR5 450%04
BR6 032%03
BR6 642%02
BR6 713%01
BR6 814%01
BR6 941%04
BR7 539%02
BR7 613%01
CR0 0117%116
CR0 1253%244
CR0 2166%232
CR0 3130%120
CR0 480%117
CR0 544%04
CR0 682%112
CR0 795%110
CR0 824%02
CR0 956%14
CR2 0116%18
CR2 677%17
CR2 779%14
CR2 813%01
CR2 979%14
CR4 175%18
CR4 258%15
CR4 395%112
CR4 489%19
CR5 177%15
CR5 250%04
CR7 695%16
CR7 793%113
CR7 8109%114
CR8 132%01
CR8 241%03
CR8 352%02
CR8 425%01
DA1 441%04
DA14 414%01
DA14 625%02
DA15 783%14
DA15 810%01
DA15 917%01
DA16 138%03
DA16 211%01
DA16 328%02
DA17 560%14
DA17 628%02
DA18 494%15
DA6 773%15
DA6 858%13
DA7 444%04
DA7 556%14
DA7 682%16
DA8 175%18
DA8 299%19
DA8 364%15
E1 023%02
E1 1149%112
E1 2142%112
E1 375%14
E1 493%115
E1 5117%111
E1 640%08
E1 725%05
E1 817%03
E10 5132%116
E10 654%18
E10 7110%113
E11 157%15
E11 212%01
E11 378%18
E11 465%17
E12 558%17
E12 659%111
E13 055%17
E13 863%18
E13 983%111
E14 0135%113
E14 264%11
E14 354%06
E14 412%02
E14 518%011
E14 667%16
E14 7143%115
E14 824%04
E14 945%011
E15 1201%227
E15 2127%113
E15 3115%112
E15 490%111
E16 1184%217
E16 2175%218
E16 3115%112
E16 4119%113
E17 3129%114
E17 465%19
E17 555%17
E17 693%112
E17 7157%114
E17 864%17
E17 995%19
E18 137%02
E18 240%03
E1W 282%14
E1W 381%13
E2 0104%19
E2 664%14
E2 769%15
E2 857%14
E2 9110%19
E3 297%110
E3 391%19
E3 4137%115
E3 522%02
E4 644%05
E4 7147%115
E4 8127%114
E4 947%06
E5 045%05
E5 866%17
E5 976%19
E6 174%110
E6 235%05
E6 347%07
E6 573%18
E6 637%05
E7 051%05
E7 852%09
E7 945%06
E8 1159%114
E8 2168%213
E8 3110%19
E8 4132%110
E9 583%19
E9 678%19
E9 744%04
EC1A 226%01
EC1A 433%01
EC1A 931%01
EC1M 637%02
EC1M 7135%11
EC1N 813%01
EC1R 018%01
EC1R 187%12
EC1R 455%12
EC1V 1396%44
EC1V 237%01
EC1V 362%12
EC1V 727%01
EC1V 8135%13
EC1V 977%15
EC1Y 190%11
EC1Y 88%01
EC2A 1104%12
EC2A 325%02
EC2A 436%05
EC2M 1184%28
EC2M 3322%37
EC2M 484%110
EC2M 711%01
EC2N 423%01
EC2V 619%01
EC2V 717%01
EC3N 175%15
EC3N 211%01
EC3N 437%02
EC3R 725%01
EC3V 016%01
EC3V 369%13
EC4A 110%01
EC4M 742%02
EC4M 976%12
EC4N 5108%11
EC4R 07%01
EC4V 311%01
EC4V 628%01
EN1 1100%112
EN1 258%13
EN1 378%19
EN1 491%19
EN2 030%02
EN2 637%02
EN2 719%01
EN2 825%02
EN3 4146%115
EN3 5106%113
EN3 683%112
EN3 762%18
EN4 022%01
EN4 812%01
EN4 918%01
EN5 118%01
EN5 235%04
EN5 377%12
EN5 529%02
HA0 129%03
HA0 242%04
HA0 341%03
HA0 449%05
HA1 181%17
HA1 2101%19
HA1 321%03
HA1 410%01
HA2 035%03
HA2 640%02
HA2 731%02
HA2 846%04
HA2 941%04
HA3 012%01
HA3 577%16
HA3 758%15
HA3 831%03
HA3 910%01
HA4 053%04
HA4 636%03
HA4 740%03
HA4 834%02
HA4 930%02
HA5 269%14
HA5 570%14
HA6 127%02
HA6 212%01
HA7 147%03
HA7 448%04
HA8 064%16
HA8 555%15
HA8 6140%111
HA8 7156%19
HA8 810%01
HA8 925%02
HA9 0111%17
HA9 621%02
HA9 755%14
HA9 881%19
HA9 954%05
IG1 185%113
IG1 2190%231
IG1 334%04
IG1 443%05
IG11 044%06
IG11 759%18
IG11 8155%117
IG11 959%18
IG2 658%16
IG2 787%19
IG3 8104%116
IG3 947%06
IG4 566%15
IG5 026%03
IG6 244%04
IG6 366%14
IG7 434%02
IG8 044%03
IG8 780%15
IG8 897%16
IG8 916%01
IG9 690%13
KT1 198%19
KT1 237%04
KT1 333%03
KT1 474%12
KT2 520%02
KT2 652%04
KT2 741%04
KT3 321%02
KT3 415%01
KT3 515%01
KT3 660%15
KT4 818%02
KT5 830%02
KT5 915%01
KT6 442%02
KT6 620%01
KT6 731%03
KT9 114%01
KT9 277%17
N1 037%04
N1 199%17
N1 252%05
N1 319%01
N1 487%15
N1 5131%19
N1 6136%113
N1 748%05
N1 860%15
N1 931%05
N10 133%02
N10 232%02
N10 314%01
N11 141%04
N11 282%16
N11 316%01
N12 044%03
N12 861%14
N12 917%01
N13 458%15
N13 569%16
N13 643%02
N14 413%01
N14 543%03
N14 670%14
N15 3121%19
N15 4176%217
N15 5128%110
N15 650%05
N16 051%03
N16 532%04
N16 625%03
N16 781%16
N16 8144%112
N16 924%01
N17 0156%118
N17 640%06
N17 768%15
N17 897%17
N17 9138%117
N18 193%113
N18 2261%239
N19 379%17
N19 458%14
N19 5153%116
N1C 41996%1823
N2 031%02
N2 868%13
N2 917%01
N21 241%02
N22 5140%113
N22 692%111
N22 753%04
N22 872%15
N3 140%03
N3 235%03
N3 337%02
N4 1147%114
N4 2173%229
N4 3121%110
N4 425%01
N5 148%04
N5 251%04
N6 514%01
N7 081%17
N7 687%15
N7 776%15
N7 834%03
N7 9113%111
N8 053%04
N8 777%15
N8 862%14
N8 930%02
N9 0244%227
N9 7174%213
N9 8111%110
N9 988%111
NW1 017%02
NW1 181%19
NW1 290%115
NW1 339%04
NW1 435%02
NW1 567%13
NW1 620%02
NW1 7104%110
NW1 8161%116
NW1 935%03
NW10 078%18
NW10 1126%19
NW10 2144%111
NW10 330%02
NW10 4225%218
NW10 570%16
NW10 615%01
NW10 728%05
NW10 875%18
NW10 987%17
NW11 622%01
NW11 719%01
NW11 914%01
NW2 151%04
NW2 295%15
NW2 335%02
NW2 4122%16
NW2 563%14
NW2 621%02
NW2 7101%110
NW3 227%04
NW3 362%14
NW3 419%01
NW3 516%01
NW3 663%14
NW3 744%02
NW4 175%14
NW4 229%02
NW4 379%18
NW4 454%04
NW5 122%02
NW5 237%03
NW5 361%13
NW5 415%01
NW6 129%02
NW6 246%02
NW6 323%01
NW6 470%14
NW6 5116%110
NW6 660%14
NW6 7110%19
NW7 233%02
NW7 319%01
NW8 037%02
NW8 652%02
NW8 889%19
NW8 952%03
NW9 022%02
NW9 554%08
NW9 668%15
NW9 760%13
NW9 867%15
NW9 938%03
RM1 1497%524
RM1 2144%17
RM1 3118%18
RM1 442%04
RM10 766%17
RM10 899%110
RM10 923%03
RM11 145%04
RM11 229%02
RM11 329%02
RM12 472%18
RM12 517%01
RM13 749%03
RM13 8104%17
RM13 958%16
RM14 127%02
RM14 228%02
RM14 318%01
RM2 543%02
RM2 6100%14
RM3 019%02
RM3 747%03
RM3 8105%19
RM3 941%03
RM5 2118%17
RM5 314%01
RM6 451%05
RM6 526%02
RM6 653%04
RM7 045%06
RM7 7124%14
RM7 945%02
RM8 158%16
RM8 275%18
RM8 373%16
RM9 444%04
RM9 522%02
RM9 6102%19
SE1 012%03
SE1 181%112
SE1 224%07
SE1 3102%112
SE1 459%16
SE1 591%18
SE1 6180%213
SE1 753%015
SE1 851%07
SE1 9123%128
SE10 0155%114
SE10 816%01
SE10 9129%111
SE11 4113%18
SE11 523%02
SE11 6124%17
SE12 076%15
SE12 848%03
SE12 965%14
SE13 5121%111
SE13 671%19
SE13 7132%115
SE14 597%110
SE14 6132%111
SE15 1107%17
SE15 271%16
SE15 344%04
SE15 488%15
SE15 5133%111
SE15 681%17
SE16 283%17
SE16 3107%19
SE16 4149%17
SE16 531%01
SE16 681%12
SE16 786%14
SE17 1310%317
SE17 2158%116
SE17 360%15
SE18 1159%117
SE18 245%03
SE18 395%18
SE18 458%16
SE18 576%16
SE18 6234%229
SE18 7106%110
SE19 169%14
SE19 260%13
SE19 340%03
SE2 049%04
SE2 9105%111
SE20 737%03
SE20 876%16
SE21 839%03
SE22 0101%16
SE22 889%17
SE22 962%13
SE23 145%03
SE23 249%04
SE23 381%16
SE24 033%02
SE24 952%03
SE25 470%16
SE25 528%02
SE25 655%15
SE26 460%14
SE26 5116%18
SE26 699%17
SE27 049%04
SE27 9204%214
SE28 063%16
SE28 860%18
SE3 0113%16
SE3 738%02
SE3 893%16
SE3 953%03
SE4 1121%112
SE4 261%15
SE5 0123%19
SE5 771%16
SE5 840%05
SE5 939%06
SE6 127%03
SE6 286%110
SE6 3138%112
SE6 4186%217
SE7 747%05
SE7 878%16
SE8 387%16
SE8 4141%19
SE8 542%03
SE9 161%15
SE9 271%16
SE9 311%01
SE9 497%18
SE9 566%14
SE9 6131%19
SM1 167%15
SM1 220%02
SM1 329%03
SM1 4103%19
SM2 518%02
SM2 615%01
SM3 876%15
SM3 921%02
SM4 433%03
SM4 545%04
SM4 657%15
SM5 178%17
SM5 238%03
SM5 317%01
SM5 425%01
SM6 0110%16
SM6 782%14
SM6 851%04
SM6 9130%111
SW10 060%17
SW10 913%01
SW11 1114%18
SW11 2199%216
SW11 373%17
SW11 476%15
SW11 540%04
SW12 044%02
SW12 837%03
SW12 9133%18
SW13 021%01
SW13 8101%11
SW13 917%01
SW15 113%01
SW15 224%02
SW15 314%01
SW15 475%16
SW15 524%02
SW16 155%14
SW16 275%18
SW16 381%15
SW16 443%04
SW16 528%03
SW16 610%01
SW17 061%111
SW17 6130%11
SW17 750%05
SW17 837%04
SW17 974%18
SW18 141%04
SW18 2116%18
SW18 323%02
SW18 485%19
SW18 512%01
SW19 133%03
SW19 241%04
SW19 319%02
SW19 586%14
SW19 614%01
SW19 769%14
SW19 835%04
SW1A 01361%136
SW1A 116%01
SW1A 223%03
SW1E 5150%110
SW1E 6141%111
SW1H 023%02
SW1P 19%01
SW1P 217%03
SW1P 3162%127
SW1P 418%02
SW1V 1143%110
SW1V 265%13
SW1V 335%02
SW1V 457%12
SW1W 819%01
SW1W 911%01
SW1X 087%12
SW1X 764%15
SW1Y 430%02
SW1Y 617%01
SW2 1127%17
SW2 259%14
SW2 3109%19
SW2 449%03
SW2 551%04
SW3 112%01
SW3 318%01
SW3 419%01
SW3 563%13
SW3 616%01
SW4 020%01
SW4 6133%18
SW4 7160%18
SW4 845%02
SW4 933%02
SW5 034%02
SW5 978%15
SW6 181%16
SW6 248%05
SW6 313%01
SW6 444%03
SW6 519%01
SW6 614%01
SW6 728%02
SW7 121%01
SW7 231%03
SW7 324%01
SW7 476%14
SW8 132%03
SW8 283%17
SW8 338%02
SW8 440%03
SW8 522%01
SW9 081%15
SW9 6177%210
SW9 7200%215
SW9 8373%320
SW9 9142%111
TN16 293%12
TN16 369%16
TW1 167%14
TW1 317%01
TW1 458%14
TW10 719%01
TW11 061%14
TW11 916%01
TW12 133%02
TW12 214%01
TW12 342%02
TW13 4120%113
TW13 5162%111
TW13 645%03
TW13 751%03
TW14 042%04
TW14 819%02
TW14 950%04
TW2 530%02
TW2 644%03
TW2 737%03
TW3 1137%114
TW3 232%02
TW3 364%16
TW3 454%04
TW4 589%17
TW4 627%02
TW4 778%16
TW5 077%17
TW5 934%05
TW6 3107%12
TW7 416%01
TW7 524%03
TW7 660%16
TW7 731%02
TW8 060%15
TW8 818%01
TW8 910%01
TW9 154%04
UB1 1140%113
UB1 254%17
UB1 330%03
UB10 038%03
UB10 812%01
UB10 951%04
UB11 1771%71
UB2 4113%116
UB2 539%06
UB3 148%07
UB3 279%18
UB3 335%03
UB3 4105%19
UB3 542%03
UB4 065%16
UB4 830%03
UB4 912%01
UB5 419%02
UB5 577%17
UB5 663%18
UB6 021%02
UB6 739%03
UB6 827%04
UB6 982%19
UB7 011%04
UB7 768%15
UB7 860%15
UB7 929%02
UB8 177%110
UB8 238%07
UB8 317%03
UB9 627%02
W10 4106%18
W10 5109%114
W10 6173%217
W11 1216%217
W11 2231%214
W11 3119%16
W11 456%15
W12 048%07
W12 741%010
W12 8283%326
W12 967%16
W13 068%15
W13 819%01
W13 931%03
W14 076%17
W14 845%05
W14 937%04
W1B 2103%14
W1B 31278%121
W1D 22415%223
W1D 322%01
W1D 439%01
W1D 532%01
W1D 623%01
W1D 791%13
W1F 018%01
W1F 761%15
W1F 814%01
W1F 930%02
W1G 99%01
W1H 163%12
W1H 535%01
W1H 635%01
W1J 520%01
W1J 730%02
W1J 854%02
W1K 220%01
W1K 529%01
W1K 641%01
W1K 740%01
W1S 110%01
W1T 110%01
W1T 250%02
W1T 545%03
W1T 772%12
W1U 450%01
W1U 636%01
W2 164%112
W2 2105%17
W2 349%03
W2 4199%214
W2 537%03
W2 688%112
W3 054%04
W3 650%06
W3 776%19
W3 827%03
W3 9101%16
W4 232%03
W4 328%02
W4 418%01
W4 517%02
W5 151%04
W5 238%04
W5 370%16
W5 423%02
W5 527%02
W6 048%07
W6 746%05
W6 826%03
W6 959%18
W7 183%16
W7 233%02
W7 352%04
W8 435%02
W8 520%02
W8 631%02
W8 733%02
W9 276%16
W9 391%19
WC1A 192%12
WC1A 233%01
WC1B 465%11
WC1E 629%02
WC1H 034%02
WC1H 923%02
WC1N 39%01
WC1R 551%02
WC1X 819%01
WC1X 922%01
WC2A 314%01
WC2E 933%02
WC2H 050%01
WC2H 7512%518
WC2H 845%02
WC2H 934%03
WC2N 4152%18
WC2N 527%03
WC2N 6116%16
WC2R 047%01

London possession of weapons crime rate rank

Crime rate ranking : 1. lowest crime rate out of 9 regions

London possession of weapons crime rate rank

London possession of weapons crime rate compared to other regions

The total number of "possession of weapons crime" is 4.8k, and this number has decreased by 7.5% when compared year-over-year in the period of January 2024 - December 2024. In the graph below, region are compared by crime rate and crime rate percentage change. Crime rate percentage change compares the region crime rate between January 2024 - December 2024 to the region crime rate in the previous 12 months. The size of the circle reflects the number of total crimes reported. The bigger the circle, the higher the number of crimes reported in the region.

-7.5% annual change, crime is declining

4.8k crimes reported

London possession of weapons crime rate compared to other regionsCrime rate percentage change
Crime rate per 1000 workday people

London possession of weapons crime volume

Number of crime incidents by month from January 2014 to December 2024.

London possession of weapons crime volume

London possession of weapons crime rate

Crime rate per 1000 workday people compared to the national crime rate by year.

London possession of weapons crime rate

London possession of weapons crime seasonality

Total number of crimes reported in a given calendar month (1 = January … 12 = December) in the previous five years, i.e. from 2020 till 2024.

London possession of weapons crime seasonality

Plumplot area insights - interactive charts and maps

Plumplot area insights - interactive maps and charts

Other reports for London region

crime stats

home features

energy costs

population statistics

salary and unemployment

home energy efficiency

property prices
