◉ plumplot 

London property sizes

London property sizes

House price to earnings ratio 2002 - 2018

House price to earnings ratio 2002 - 2018

Population changes by county, 2002 vs 2017

Population changes by county, 2002 vs 2017

Fireplaces Today

Fireplaces Today

Current and potential energy ratings of homes

Current and potential energy ratings of homes

Statistically speaking, Manchester's city centre is THE place to be

Statistically speaking, Manchester's city centre is THE place to be

Older posts and visualisations

Homeimage/svg+xmlOpencliparteco green house icon2012-05-29T15:40:56https://openclipart.org/detail/170282/eco-green-house-icon-by-cybergedeondominiquechappardecologygreenhomehouseicon