Tyne and Wear average salary comparison

The average salary is ranging between £32.5k in South Tyneside and £37.5k in Newcastle upon Tyne. The UK average salary was £42.2k in 2023. Gross average salary is calculated for full-time employees. Employee has to be in the same job for over 12 months. The data collected is Tax Year Ending. The income includes incentive payments and are available for local government districts/counties.
Tyne and Wear average salary comparison
Local authorityAverage salary in 2023
South Tyneside£32.5k
North Tyneside£36.4k
Newcastle upon Tyne£37.5k
United Kingdom£42.2k
Tyne and Wear average salary by year

Tyne and Wear average salary comparison by sex

The average salary for female is ranging between £28.4k in South Tyneside and £38.1k in Newcastle upon Tyne. The UK average salary for female was £37.2k in 2023. The average salary for male is ranging between £37.0k in South Tyneside and £37.0k in Newcastle upon Tyne. The UK average salary for male was £45.6k in 2023.
Tyne and Wear average salary comparison by sex
Local authorityFemale average salary, 2023Male average salary
South Tyneside£28.4k£37.0k
North Tyneside£32.0k£39.6k
Newcastle upon Tyne£38.1k£37.0k
United Kingdom£37.2k£45.6k

Tyne and Wear median salary comparison

The median salary is ranging between £28.9k in South Tyneside and £33.6k in Newcastle upon Tyne. The UK median salary was £35.0k in 2023.
Tyne and Wear median salary comparison
Local authorityMedian salary in 2023
South Tyneside£28.9k
North Tyneside£31.9k
Newcastle upon Tyne£33.6k
United Kingdom£35.0k
Tyne and Wear median salary by year

Tyne and Wear median salary comparison by sex

The median salary for female is ranging between £25.2k in South Tyneside and £32.7k in Newcastle upon Tyne. The UK median salary for female was £31.7k in 2023. The median salary for male is ranging between £33.6k in South Tyneside and £34.3k in Newcastle upon Tyne. The UK median salary for male was £37.4k in 2023.
Tyne and Wear median salary comparison by sex
Local authorityFemale median salary in 2023Male median salary
South Tyneside£25.2k£33.6k
North Tyneside£28.8k£36.5k
Newcastle upon Tyne£32.7k£34.3k
United Kingdom£31.7k£37.4k

Tyne and Wear unemployment rate comparison

The unemployment rate is ranging between 3.5% in North Tyneside and 6.7% in South Tyneside. The UK unemployment rate was 3.7% in 2023.
Tyne and Wear unemployment rate comparison
Local authorityUnemployment rate in 2023
North Tyneside3.5%
United Kingdom3.7%
Newcastle upon Tyne5.2%
South Tyneside6.7%
Tyne and Wear unemployment rate by year

Tyne and Wear house price to earnings ratio

The median property price to median earnings ratio is ranging between 4.7 in Gateshead and 5.7 in Newcastle upon Tyne. Ie. Gateshead resident with middle-income needs 4.7 gross annual salaries to buy a medium-priced property. Resident in Newcastle upon Tyne needs 5.7 annual salaries. The England and Wales ratio was 8.16 in 2022.
Tyne and Wear house price to earnings ratio
Local authorityMedian house price to median salary ratio in 2022
South Tyneside4.8
North Tyneside5.6
Newcastle upon Tyne5.7
England and Wales8.16
Tyne and Wear house price to earnings ratio history

Tyne and Wear net household income map

Map shows the net average household income in 2020 by middle layer super output area (MSOA). The lowest average net household income was in Newcastle upon Tyne 028, with £23.3k. The area with the highest average net income was North Tyneside 003, with £41.3k. Median income was £28.3k - i.e. half of the areas had income equal or above £28.3k. Median income for England and Wales was 34.5k ( the lowest income was in Middlesbrough 001, £19.3k, the highest in Westminster 019, £67.0k).

The lowest income£23.3k
The median income£28.3k
The highest income£41.3k
Tyne and Wear net household income map

Tyne and Wear working age population share

2020 population estimates.


Tyne and Wear
average age


England & Wales
average age
Tyne and Wear working age population share
age grouphead-count% share of population% for Eng & Wales

Other reports for Tyne and Wear county

crime statistics

property prices

home energy efficiency

home features

energy costs

population statistics
