Harrow house energy costs

June 2023

The average yearly heating cost per house was £860 in the last 10 years in Harrow postcode area. This is by £77.3 more than the average cost in England and Wales in the same period. On average, the heating cost could be reduced by 31.6% to £588.

Harrow houses by heating cost per square meters

Harrow houses by heating cost per square meters
Heating cost per 10m² per yearHarrowEngland & Wales

Harrow map of potential energy efficiency improvement of houses

Harrow map of potential energy efficiency improvement of houses

Harrow houses by hot water cost per square meters

Harrow houses by hot water cost per square meters
Hot water cost per 10m² per yearHarrowEngland & Wales

Harrow houses by lighting cost per square meters

Harrow houses by lighting cost per square meters
Lighting cost per 10m² per yearHarrowEngland & Wales

Harrow houses by heating cost per room

Harrow houses by heating cost per room
Heating cost per habitable roomHarrowEngland & Wales

Harrow houses by hot water cost per room

Harrow houses by hot water cost per room
Hot water cost per habitable roomHarrowEngland & Wales

Harrow houses by lighting cost per room

Harrow houses by lighting cost per room
Lighting cost per habitable roomHarrowEngland & Wales

Plumplot area insights - interactive charts and maps

Plumplot area insights - interactive maps and charts

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home energy costs

flat energy costs

home features

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